Five alternative privacy screen ideas

We love arborvitae (or Emerald Green); it’s the classic privacy screen. But if you’re looking to mix it up a bit, here's some ideas:
Leyland cypress. Leylands are one of the most popular and economical of the privacy screen trees. They grow very fast, provide a thick living fence, and help soften noise from adjacent roads.
Mature height: 50’ +
Growth rate: Very fast
Foliage: Medium to dark green
Growth habit: pyramidal
Yew. Yews have dense, upright branches and take to pruning very well, making them an excellent choice as a privacy hedge. There are many different varieties of yews; Hicksii are particularly nice in this region.
Mature height: 12-20’ tall, 8-12' wide
Growth rate: Slow to medium
Foliage: Medium to dark green
Growth habit: Broad pyramidal
Russian Laurel. Laurels, particularly the Russian Laurel, are another great choice for privacy hedging. They grow rather quickly and do well in full sun or partial shade.
Mature height: 10-12’ tall, 5-8' wide
Growth rate: Very fast
Foliage: Narrow, glossy, dark green evergreen leaves
Growth habit: shorter, wider shrub
Camellia. This beautiful flowering shrub grows a thick canopy of leaves as it matures. Their large flowers have a long blooming season and its evergreen leaves stay beautiful all year.
Mature height: 6-15’ tall; 5-7' wide
Growth rate: Slow to medium
Foliage: glossy evergreen leaves with large rose-like blooms
Growth habit: rounded pyramidical
Excelsa Cedar. The Excelsa is a large, bushy tree that is often used when 2-story privacy is needed. They grow naturally into a beautiful, fragrant hedge.
Mature height: 30-35' tall; 12-15' wide
Growth rate: Medium to fast
Foliage: bright evergreen
Growth habit: pyramidal
Give us a call if you’d like to explore options for including any of these screens in your living fence.